The staff

Short biography of the person responsible for all this and the unconscious people who share his adventures

A top team to guarantee you quality urban exploration.
We are committed to it !

img > D-Kryptage Urbain

D-Kryptage Urbain

Public Relations Manager & stealth trainer

Love mold and fungus.
Her favorite wasteland objects are wheelchairs and pierced chairs... and beheaded religious statues.
Unwavering desire to communicate with spirits to learn more about the history of buildings.

  • Her specialties ?
    Doctorate in urbexomycology passed at Salve Mater in 2009 (great distinction).
    Flatten like a rat to squeeze through the small entrances.
  • What she doesn't like ?
    Urban explorers who travel by bus.
    The neighbors who have a 4x4.
    The new urban explorers who organize the spots and distort the principle of urban exploration.
  • Her greatest achievement ?
    To have spoken to the late gardener of Maison de Viron.
  • Her favorite phrases ?
    A good neighbor is a dead neighbor.
    Exploring a church is like deflowering a virgin.
    I am hot !
  • To contact her
    Doesn't want to be contacted.

img > Kaptage


GPS Manager & Head decorator

The rotten the place, the more he loves it.
Always looking for the bathroom from the Villa Wallfahrt.

  • His specialties ?
    Puts his sense of aesthetics at the service of his talents as a decorator-mover.
    Its legendary flexibility to overcome all obstacles.
  • What he doesn't like ?
    When the GPS lady says "Turn around".
    When a door is open, it's suspicious.
    When a door is closed, because we couldn’t open it.
  • His greatest achievement ?
    Go through the portal of the Carmel of Reparation.
    Go through Doctor Pepito's window.
  • His favorite phrases ?
    That’s funny !
    I don’t feel it !
    Is the house alone ?
  • To contact him
    In Dutch only.

img > Ferver


(Non-)security coordinator

Devotes true adoration to trains and any other late vehicle.
Is all excited when he finds an abandoned place not abandoned.

  • His specialties ?
    Make Josh growl.
    Inventor of words.
    Bamboozle the police.
  • What he doesn't like ?
    Those who drive slower than him.
    The demolished places.
  • His greatest achievement ?
    Discover places through flooded cellars.
  • His favorite phrases ?
    Don't worry, I'm discreet [CRAC] [BOOM]
    Don't you want to push yourself a bit ? You're in my picture !
  • To contact him

img > Josh


Founder & general manager of the world

Misanthrope, never smiling but always in a bad mood and legendary calm, Josh loves to get lost in forgotten places. And growl (a little).

  • His specialties ?
    Break a lot of stuff (without wanting it) & forget a lot of stuff (without wanting it).
    Clear also : where Josh passes, trees die.
  • What he doesn't like ?
    People, especially in the abandoned places . But if they're dead, that's fine.
    Fucking graffiti & tags.
    And unicorns.
  • His greatest achievement ?
    Stay alive despite his clumsiness.
  • His favorite phrases ?
    Urbex is like funeral services : the raw material will never fail.
    Piss off these idiots !about other urban explorers
  • To contact him