Zone Braams

November 2013

In the distance, we hardly heard a voice...
A radio communication made almost inaudible by parasites...
Suddenly, “Zone Braams. Everything is okay ? *sizzle* Please answer ! What has happened ? *sizzle*” fills the space...
No response...
The man hanging from his microphone at the other end of the world, with a voice increasingly worried, talking in circles, without knowing it...
A silence that we find usually soothing. But not here.

Nobody to answer the radio to Zone Braams.
What has happened ? No idea.
Only the guardian is still present but he seems strange. The type must measure 1m20, has the voice of Marge Simpson, demanding continually phone home (he only say that, this moron...) and has a luminous finger.
Note this last point is quite interesting when, for instance, we are out of battery in a dark place. We might take him in our next adventure.


Zone Braams


Zone Braams


Zone Braams


Zone Braams


Zone Braams


Zone Braams


Zone Braams


Zone Braams


Zone Braams


Zone Braams


Zone Braams



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