Urban exploration
A former work colleague, he is now an urban exploration colleague.
Begins in the world of urbex, but is full of promise.
Alyssia's (Lily Stoneheart Photography) website, with whom I had the pleasure of doing several collaborations on urbex shootings.
Discovered on Twitter™, here is a highly interesting photographer who offers on his website some very beautiful
photos (urbex or not), and something to read as well.
Unearthing abandoned places for 20 years, Glauque Land has a website of rarely equaled wealth. A must therefore when it comes
to urban exploration.
“A little photographer, a little curious, above all passionate...” Here is a catchphrase that perfectly sums up the website that
I'm offering you here. Alongside the very beautiful photos, there are also texts mixing narrative and history of the places visited.
Diane's website.
Urban exploration, photography, technique (photo editing, light, etc.), equipment testing and books. A really complete and very
pleasant site.
As for Neverends, a very complete website with urbex, technique, tutorials and many, many beautiful photos.
Site of Janine, talented English photographer.
Website of Jonnie Lace, an American artist photographer of great talent.
Unique photos with a very special light.
A Polish’s YouTube™ channel specializing in climbing all types of structures.
eally impressive videos (and a little bit of urbex too, to avoid spoiling anything).
On the menu : industrial archeology & urban exploration. There will also be some photography and image processing
techniques (coming soon).
One of my first urbex sites saved in favorites.
Unfortunately no longer updated for ages...
Reference site on industrial, civil, underground and religious heritage.
Off the beaten track, this site has an inventory of bells heritage.
A classic of exploration, on the roads since already long years.
Another reference.
Collective of two explorers coming from Lyon (France) but regularly venturing away from their homeland.
An impressive amount of visited places.
One of the pioneers of urbex who made me rediscover my old hobby quite by accident.
In homage to Ninjalicious.
Pictures of the world
Flickr™ page of Franck, with whom I made some pleasant urbex expeditions.
You will find a little of everything, but always of quality.
Website of Florian Cloquemin.
A talented photographer, he explores the entier world to bring us the most beautiful shots.
Marc Braham's website.
Less exotic than the other links, but just as exciting ! A real work of Benedictines which recesses the historic metal bridges
of Belgium.
MK Hardy's website.
British photographer specializing in the Cornish coast and the streets of London. A lot of beautiful pictures.
Photos from around the world taken by two Belgian globetrotters.
I like
My favorite YouTube™ channel. We see two young car enthusiasts doing anything and everything, without forgetting to learn
lots of things about the world of cars.
Channel unfortunately discontinued in December 2023.
A search engine that plants trees ? Yes, it does exist.
A great alternative to Google™ and good for the environment.
The (only) webradio that I listen to.
Pop, rock, sometimes a little electro and above all, hardly any ads or stupid hosts.
The host who has the great honor of hosting WorldofJosh.be on its web servers.
No major worry in more than 10 years, impeccable services.
The template used on WorldofJosh.be comes from this website.
There are plenty more and it's free.
French-speaking referencing directory on which WorldofJosh.be is registered.
A guarantee of quality therefore.
Yes, I am linking to my own website. So what ?
What more can be said ? Perfection exists on the Internet and this is where you will find it.
Social services
Worldofjosh.be Flickr™ page, created in 2012.
Different from other social media, Flickr remains photo-centric. And it's very well.
Worldofjosh.be YouTube™ channel, created in 2021.
Without any specific content or purpose (for this moment ?).
Worldofjosh.be LinkedIn™ page, created in 2021.
Because it seems that this network is popular, I signed up.
Linktree™ de Worldofjosh.be account.
New gadget in existence since 2016. It's cute and certainly very useful.
This thing gathers all the links of the social networks described above.