Chambre du Commerce

April 2012

Paradise for lovers of heraldry, architecture or history, the Chambre du Commerce is a must in terms of urban exploration.
Really beautiful place, perhaps the most beautiful that I have been lucky enough to visit so far, this place is however not tame easily. Once you have crossed the pitfalls of access, we quickly let ourselves be taken by the magic of this building.

Although abandoned for many years, time has not yet managed to leave its mark.
Hoping that the Chamber of Commerce continues to be jealously guarded and thus preserve its beauty.

On site, meeting with Michael Röttgerding and his colleague. Very nice !


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce


Chambre du Commerce



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