HH Lechau

May 2012

While abandoned hospitals are generally of relatively recent construction, this is not the case here. The Lechau clinic is composed of a disparate ensemble of dilapidated buildings, some of which are already well attacked by molds.
But the trip was still worth it : still little visited, its corridors and rooms are in a satisfactory condition. There is even a hidden surgical light in one of the many operating theaters, not to mention the phones in each corridor. The name of this hospital could have been "The Telephone Clinic".


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau


HH Lechau



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