Unsuspected from the street, since nestled in a large park, this beautiful manor is dormant since the 70's.
Impeccably preserved, it can’t be tamed easily.
With a long history, he will have seen famous characters.
It is certainly the most beautiful house I have had the opportunity to see. Of great richness (and with a mix of styles), the interior
exudes luxury, the second floor being a little more sober.
Hoping that this place will revive soon...
Visit with Franck, Bruno & Johan.
The welcoming committee.
The vaulted room.
Old school !
Nasdrovia !
The second floor living room.
The service staircase.
The faience of the fireplace.
Before being recovered by the Nazis, the swastika was a common decorative motif. It is regularly found in medieval churches.
Some stained glass windows
And some external views.
Bye !
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