Brouwerij C

January 2014

A forgotten brewery in the land of beer, this is a paradox.
One might think that the brewing heritage and expertise of this small country would be protected and highlighted.
Nay !

And yet ... Small family breweries, such as seen in this rainy day, are the soul of an ancestral tradition. But face of multinational leaving only ruins behind them, they are forced to wear away one by one.
Standardization and profitability crush craft and love of work well done.

In a not so distant past, there was a brewery in almost every village. Today, there are almost no more pubs. One doesn't work without the other.
Small neglected production sites begin to swarm all over Belgium. Even if it makes us happy, seeing a part of our national heritage be dispersed by the wind can't be ignored.


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C

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Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C

Hooks' room.

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Brouwerij C

Vintage pH-meter.

Brouwerij C

We are far from copper vats of industrial breweries.

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Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C

The bottling machine.

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Brouwerij C

Is it Brewery Verfaillie in Proven ? No.

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Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C

Ready for delivery.

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Brouwerij C

The machine to... uh...

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Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C

Storage shed.

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Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C

Other bottling unit.

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Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C

The place has a nice collection of glass of all kinds.

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Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C


Brouwerij C

Gradually, the small brewery disappears from the landscape.
When will it be totally forgotten ?

Brouwerij C

Bye bye...


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