Imagine for a moment two underemployed of a communal administration.
Call them Kevin and Jason.
For over two years, a bloody war raged between Kevin and Jason. However, in the past, they were the best friends.
Same low IQ, even deplorable how to dress (tracksuit and sneakers while both lazy have never gone in a gym), the same priorities
in life (football and the market price of beer), limited vocabulary, etc. In short, they were on the same wavelength.
But one day, the drama happened.
One of them forgot to turn off the light in the vast disused rink.
Immediately, our two idiots will engage a lost before battle to determine who is the guilty in this sordid affair.
Add to this catastrophic situation a chief always absent (normal, he's a chief...), and therefore unable to make a decision (word that
Kevin and Jason don't know) and you get this beautiful soft light that makes shooting possible in the deserted arena. Not to mention t
he pleasant heat from the boiler running fully.
Thanks Kevin and Jason !
Of course, all this is not the reality.
We all know how government affairs are managed so prodigious.
So, it's impossible that the light and the boiler can run for nothing since an eternity...
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