Usine IVR

September 2020

Exploration of a large factory lost in the middle of Flanders.
Large in surface area but very small in terms of places to visit. And for good reason, most of the buildings having collapsed, we only have a few empty halls left but mostly old rusty machines hidden in a corner of the old factory.
We thought we would leave disappointed, this was not the case.


Usine IVR

Some large halls empty and uninteresting.

Usine IVR

On the other hand, the sanitary facilities are very broken...

Usine IVR

... but with a wallpaper - how to say - "remarkable".

Usine IVR

Many conveyors are present throughout the factory.

Usine IVR


Usine IVR


Usine IVR


Usine IVR

Some rooms still have interesting remains such as these... cones !?

Usine IVR


Usine IVR


Usine IVR

A very nice boiler.

Usine IVR


Usine IVR


Usine IVR

The indispensable forgotten chair.

Usine IVR

Here the exit !


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