Sein Huis B.11

April 2021

The place visited today is one of the countless disused railway signal boxes. In fact, the computerization of the Belgian rail network has made it unnecessary to have agents in the various stations in the country. Everything is now managed remotely.
We call it progress...

So-so... The problem with computerizing everything is when it breaks, there really is nothing that works anymore. And when staff need to move, it necessarily takes longer as these agents are concentrated in a few places in the country instead of being present everywhere. I won't talk about the staff reduction that computerization has caused either, that sounds bad.

The NMBS likes not to take care of its very rich heritage. This cabin, completely preserved, is however in danger. What is his future ? P robably demolition.
In short, a very pleasant visit to a place straight out of an era unfortunately bygone.


Sein Huis B.11

We start with the relay room.

Sein Huis B.11

This system, which worked for decades, was incredibly complex.

Sein Huis B.11

The cab once controlled the exit of a marshalling yard as well as a marshalling hump.

Sein Huis B.11

The lower button controlled a turnout, and the upper a signal.

Sein Huis B.11


Sein Huis B.11

The optical control board. All trains and traffic were there.

Sein Huis B.11


Sein Huis B.11

The desk of the marshalling hump control, disused for ages.

Sein Huis B.11

I don't know what it is. Remnant of a railway turntable ?

Sein Huis B.11


Sein Huis B.11


Sein Huis B.11


Sein Huis B.11

The black tape hides tracks that have been removed.

Sein Huis B.11

A very pleasant and preserved place. For the time being...

Sein Huis B.11

End of visit. Thanks to the NMBS...

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